What We Do

What We Help You Achieve

•Position your business for effective growth

•Create streamlined organizations with effective collaboration, focused priorities and clear roles/accountability

•Shape high performing executives and dynamic executive teams

•Generate commitment to a culture that delights
your customers and embraces agility

Questions and Challenges We Help You Answer


How many businesses do we have and what is the role of the enterprise versus the business? 

How do we get better alignment between our business and our support work?


How do we organize to enable growth?

How do we clarify our business model and strategy to connect it with the design of the organization?

How do we streamline the organization and eliminate handoffs?


How do we reduce complexity in our organization?

How do we optimize structure to balance ongoing tensions between function /geography/product, centralized/decentral-ized, global/local, etc.?

How do we increase integration and improve collaboration across structures?


Symptoms of Organization Dysfunction

If your organization is experiencing one of more of these symptoms, an organization transformation is in order.

Products & Services

•Growth Strategies and Strategy Clarification

•Organization Design – Business, Function, and Shared Services

•Build Dynamic Organizations

•Customer Centric Work Cultures

•Work Focus and Prioritization

•Collaborative Organizations

•Organization Simplification and Streamlining

•Executive Team Effectiveness and Executive Coaching